Learn about beekeeping!


We, at Lumbery, were advised that if we wanted to grow our business then we needed to cross-pollinate.

We took this quite literally.

So this Saturday we are buzzing with excitement to be hosting Phil and Meghan Gaven, owners of the Honey Exchange in Portland, to learn more about bees and beekeeping!!

Bees fly from one flower to another, or one tree to the next, picking up bits of one plant and carrying it to the other.

The plant on the receiving end of this pollination is hardier and able to reproduce with greater variety. It meets environmental challenges more successfully because it’s genetically diverse.

Business is the same way. Working relationships that share ideas and expertise make everyone stronger, better and more resilient…plus you get to meet some really cool and inspiring people that are doing amazing things…and for us, as a company, we place a high value on people, businesses and non-profits that work to better our community and planet.

So please stop by the Lumbery this Saturday, June 3rd, from 11-1 and learn more about the greatest cross-pollinators on the planet, the fundamentals of beekeeping, meet some really cool business owners and try some honey.

Added incentives include sweet deals on ceramic plant pots, garden essentials and hummingbird feeders.

And do not forget to grab some native plants or a white cedar garden bed.

Ready, set, swarm!


Native plants from Rebel Hill Farm and Cedar garden beds in their natural habitat.

Click on the image above to learn more about Why Bees are essential to people and planet
Mike Friedland and the entire Lumbery crew.

